Thursday, 13 July 2017

Ge 100 Dias De Média Móvel

Gráfico de ações da General Electric Company Gráficos Interativos Gráficos Interativos Gráficos Gráficos Interativos Gráficos Interativos Gráficos Interativos Gráficos Gráficos Se, a qualquer momento, estiver interessado em voltar às nossas configurações padrão, selecione Configuração padrão acima. Se você tiver dúvidas ou tiver problemas ao alterar suas configurações padrão, envie um e-mail para isfeedbacknasdaq. Confirme sua seleção: Você selecionou para alterar sua configuração padrão para a Pesquisa de orçamento. Esta será agora sua página de destino padrão, a menos que você altere sua configuração novamente ou exclua seus cookies. Tem certeza de que deseja alterar suas configurações? Temos um favor a perguntar Desabilite seu bloqueador de anúncios (ou atualize suas configurações para garantir que o javascript e os cookies estejam ativados), para que possamos continuar fornecê-lo com as notícias do mercado de primeira linha E os dados que você vem esperar de nós. Relatório anual de 2015 É fácil ser incerto como um investidor hoje. A economia global tem longa volatilidade e falta de liderança econômica. Mas a GE continua a ser um bom investimento. Em um mundo complicado, somos mais simples e mais competitivos. Em um mundo incerto, nós somos hábeis em controlar com ciclos resistentes. Em um mundo arriscado, temos força cultural e muito dinheiro. Nós somos testados. As empresas que pensam que são perfeitos podem colocá-lo em apuros neste ambiente. A GE não é perfeita, mas progredimos todos os dias. Em 2015, continuamos a tomar medidas fortes que tornam a GE melhor. Transformamos nossa carteira saindo da maioria dos serviços financeiros enquanto completamos a compra da Alstom, nosso maior negócio industrial. Isso encerra um período em que reorientamos a GE como líder de alta tecnologia. Para isso, vendemos mais de metade da Companhia, onde não possuíamos vantagem competitiva e reconstruímos nossas franquias principais. Todo negócio da GE hoje repousa solidamente em uma base de competência de domínio profundo. A estratégia arrojada para sair GE Capital veio de Keith Sherin e sua equipe. O plano era complicado, desafiador e arriscado. Envolveu uma das maiores reestruturações corporativas da história. Sua execução foi impecável. O movimento diz muito sobre a cultura da GE: Estamos dispostos a tomar ações ousadas em face da incerteza e nossa equipe coloca a empresa à frente de seus próprios interesses. Ao mesmo tempo, aceleramos nossa transformação como líder na Internet Industrial, tornando-nos uma empresa Digital Industrial. Na Internet Industrial vemos a próxima grande onda de produtividade tanto para nossa empresa como para os clientes que atendemos. Somos uma empresa que investe em grandes transições industriais, e eles não vêm muito maior do que a aplicação completa de dados e análise para máquinas e sistemas. A essência da GE é a capacidade única de criar valor a partir da interseção de capacidade horizontal com experiência vertical. Competindo em várias empresas e região, o horizontais exige agilidade estratégica e cultura, mas é cada vez mais valioso. Isto é como nós criamos a vantagem competitiva do tamanho e da diversidade. Um mundo digital facilita soluções mais horizontais para a produtividade do cliente e velocidade interna. Um mundo volátil coloca mais um prêmio na redução do risco através da diversidade, uma outra habilidade horizontal. Ao mesmo tempo, as empresas devem ser mais profundas para conduzir a baixo custo, atingindo os resultados dos clientes com alta sharethe vertical. Nova inovação exigirá ciência profunda e, muitas vezes, novas técnicas de fabricação. Não há muitas empresas na Terra que podem desenvolver sistemas de infra-estrutura de alta tecnologia em escala, uma força vertical. Maximizar a valiosa interface entre horizontal e vertical é institucional, parte de nossa capacidade de liderança e incorporado em nossa cultura. Como Atuamos Contra Nossa Metas Operacionais de 2015 Medida Financeira Não-GAAP. Vide Medidas Financeiras que Suplementam Medidas de Princípios Contábeis Geralmente Aceitos (Medidas Financeiras Não-GAAP) na página 95 no Formulário 10-K. Excluindo a Alstom. Excluindo a reestruturação e outros ganhos. Equipe de Liderança Executiva Jeffrey R. Immelt Presidente do Conselho e Diretor Executivo Bill Ruh Vice-Presidente Sênior e Diretor Digital Digital John G. Rice Vice-Presidente e CEO da Organização de Crescimento Global Philippe Cochet Vice-Presidente Sênior e Diretor de Produtividade Alex Dimitrief Vice-Presidente Sênior E Conselheiro Geral Vic Abate Vice-Presidente Sênior e Diretor de Tecnologia Susan P. Peters Vice-Presidente Sênior de Recursos Humanos Keith S. Sherin Vice-Presidente da GE e Presidente e CEO da GE Capital Jeffrey S. Bornstein Vice-Presidente Sênior e Diretor Financeiro Diretora Beth Comstock Vice-presidente No meio de nossa transformação, entregamos bons resultados. Em 2015, crescemos nosso lucro Industrial por ação em 19, expandimos nossas margens de segmento em 80 pontos base e devolvemos 33 bilhões de dinheiro a nossos investidores. Nosso retorno industrial sobre o capital total expandiu 290 pontos base para 16,9. Ganhamos no mercado, terminando o ano com 315 bilhões em atraso. Forte execução foi refletida no preço de nossas ações. O retorno total das ações da GE foi de 28 em 2015, acima do desempenho do SP 500, que cresceu 1, eo índice industrial, que caiu 4. Temos superado os índices mais amplos nos últimos três anos, quando crescemos 64 , E cinco anos, quando crescemos em 101. GE terminou o ano como a oitava empresa mais valiosa do mundo. 1 Industrial Operating EPS: 1,45 1,55 (Industrial Verticals) Crescimento orgânico de 2-4 Expansão da margem Core Corporate 2.0-2.2B Alstom .05 Ganho de aparelhos .20 Ganhos de reestruturação Impacto de FX (0.02) em taxas de hoje High-teens Taxa de imposto industrial 2 Livre Fluxo de caixa Disposições: 2932B 18B Dividendo de capital Disposições de 3-4B PE líquida de3 Dinheiro retornado aos investidores: Para manter esse desempenho, teremos que vencer em mercados globais desafiadores. Alguns dizem que estamos em uma recessão industrial, mas eu realmente não sei o que isso significa. Eu aprendo mais com o que vejo em mercados individuais e ouço de clientes. Os preços das commodities caíram significativamente, impulsionados principalmente pela oferta excessiva. Indústrias de recursos e regiões estão se reestruturando. O dólar se fortaleceu, provavelmente por um longo período de tempo. Isso exerce pressão sobre os exportadores americanos. Ao mesmo tempo, as viagens aéreas comerciais estão em um recorde. Demografia de saúde e acesso exigirá um aumento no gasto global. E um terço da população mundial ainda não tem acesso suficiente à eletricidade. O imperativo global para o investimento reforçado na infra-estrutura não mudou. Crescimento está disponível, mas você tem que trabalhar nele. O que é único neste ciclo é a difícil relação entre negócios e governo, o pior que eu já vi. Tecnologia, produtividade e globalização têm sido as forças motrizes durante a minha carreira empresarial. Nos negócios, se você não liderar essas mudanças, você é demitido na política, se você não lutá-los, você não pode ser eleito. Como resultado, a maioria das políticas governamentais é anti-crescimento. Nos EUA queremos exportações mas parecemos odiar comércio e exportadores globalmente, os governos amam as pequenas empresas, mas depois as regulam até a morte. E assim, perpetuamos um ciclo: crescimento lento, má criação de emprego, populismo, baixa produtividade, maior regulação, política de pobreza e crescimento mais lento. Agora vivemos em um mundo onde a política de crescimento mais promissora é as taxas de juros negativas. Nos Estados Unidos de 2015 foi o décimo ano consecutivo em que o crescimento do PIB não chegou a 3, uma taxa que costumava ser considerado nosso direito. Nós não tentamos escolher um ciclo, ou tempo um mercado, ou queixar-se sobre eleições. Vamos sempre agir para obter mais desta economia do que nossos pares. Acreditamos na auto-ajuda. Estamos gerenciando agressivamente nossa estrutura de custos para capitalizar a deflação. Em 2016, financiaremos um nível recorde de reestruturação. Temos um balanço muito forte com excesso de caixa. Isso nos dá a capacidade de criar valor: comprar ações de volta, reforçar seus dividendos ou adquirir ativos industriais em dificuldades. Temos a capacidade de financiar nossos produtos industriais, uma enorme vantagem para apoiar nossos clientes. Podemos transferir a produção para as regiões de menor custo e capitalizar a moeda ou o excesso de capacidade. E, continuamos a investir. Nossos compromissos de longo prazo para a RD, a globalização e os investimentos como a Alstom construíram um valioso atraso. Encorajo a equipe da GE a concentrar-se apenas no que podemos controlar para permanecer ágil e resiliente. À medida que a incerteza se desenrola diante de você, é isso que eu quero que você lembre sobre a GE: temos um grande conjunto de negócios. Estamos liderando nesta eras maior motor de crescimento industrial e produtividade. Temos dinâmica operacional e flexibilidade de caixa devido à execução sustentada dos nossos pontos fortes da empresa. E nós temos uma equipe testada que é recompensada apenas quando eles entregam para você. GE deve ser um investimento seguro em um mar de volatilidade. CEO da Equipe Global New Directions da GE, Jeff Immelts grupo de consultoria de cultura formado por funcionários promissores da GE de todo o mundo Atuamos. Nós aprendemos. Ficamos melhores. Insistimos em ser mais do que somos hoje. Algumas empresas estão recuando estamos avançando para se tornar o Digital Industrial. Jeff Immelt Conheça a Transformação da Equipe Um Líder Industrial Focado Avançando, estamos competindo como um líder industrial de alta tecnologia de 130 bilhões, cheio de fortes franquias coletivamente gerando crescimento consistente com altas margens e altos retornos. Cada negócio da GE alimenta a força da empresa em tecnologia, marca, globalização e serviços. Em um mundo de crescimento lento, não há caso para um conglomerado desfocado. Alguém pode ver GE adquirir NBC ou Seguros hoje, as empresas sem ajuste tangível No entanto, décadas atrás, este foi aplaudido, e nos anos 1980 e 90, funcionou. GE Capital Histórico Linha de tempo guia data-cycle-timeout0 dados-ciclo-velocidade200 dados-ciclo-pagertimeline. ciclo-pager dados-ciclo-pager-modelo data-cycle-auto-heightcalc GE Crédito formado em 1932 para fornecer empréstimos a prestações para comprar GE Aparelhos GE Signos de crédito 8 milionésimo contrato Introduzido Financiamento de aviação Comercial empréstimo e locação lança Transformação Criando a Digital Industrial Superior Desempenho Powered by The GE Store A loja espalha o intelecto convocando conselhos horizontais focados e responsáveis. Nosso Conselho de Serviço está operacional há cerca de 20 anos. É cobrado para crescer o nosso dólar por base instalada por 3-5 e 1 bilhão de produtividade. Este ano vamos nos concentrar em ganhar parte da frota envelhecida, análise de serviços e avançar a tecnologia de reparação. Nossos negócios aprendem uns com os outros. A Loja é apoiada por ferramentas de processo. Estamos no terceiro ano de treinamento de nossas equipes no FastWorks, uma ferramenta que combina o melhor da produção enxuta e velocidade empresarial. Treinamos 30.000 da equipe da GE. Este trabalho está sendo aplicado para aumentar a capacidade NPI, velocidade operacional e produtividade de custo variável. O FastWorks está se tornando a maneira como trabalhamos. A loja é construída sobre um legado de desenvolvimento de liderança. Temos um conjunto comum de expectativas de liderança, enquadrado pelas Crenças da GE. Temos programas de liderança contemporânea através do nosso centro de aprendizagem Crotonville e desenvolver globalmente o melhor e mais brilhante para o nosso pipeline de talentos. Estamos constantemente procurando fora da GE para recrutar novos conhecimentos e capacidades que irão tornar a empresa mais forte. No coração da loja é uma meritocracia robusta. Estamos conduzindo programas de margem na loja. Embora tenhamos feito progresso aumentando as margens de serviço e reduzindo o custo estrutural, nossos custos de produtos são muito altos. Na GE, trabalhamos com um pool de 80 bilhões de custos de produtos e serviços. Nosso plano é triplo: o dobro da nossa integração para trás expandir nossa deflação sourcing para 1 bilhão, quase o dobro do que era em 2014 e atingir 900 milhões de produtividade de manufatura. Em negócios como Healthcare e Power, acreditamos que nossos custos de produtos podem ser substancialmente mais baixos no futuro através de um design aprimorado e estratégias avançadas de cadeia de suprimentos. Trabalhar sobre o custo do produto está nos obrigando a mudar a maneira como pensamos sobre a integração. Nós atualmente fonte cerca de 30 bilhões em peças que projetamos, e nós pagamos substancialmente mais do que eles deveriam custar. Com um backlog enorme e previsível, backward integração oferece oportunidades de margem incremental. Na Power, planejamos alavancar a capacidade da Alstom para aumentar nosso conteúdo. Na Aviação, investimos 5 bilhões em integração vertical com altos retornos. Geralmente executamos nossos negócios bem, mas ainda há espaço para melhorias. Em 2015, investimos em Energia Renovável, Gestão de Energia e partes de Saúde para restaurá-los à posição competitiva que você espera da GE. Acreditamos que há um poder de ganhos substanciais devido ao melhor desempenho operacional, independentemente do ambiente. Um plano de remuneração de incentivos novo, mais alavancado, baseado em equipe, cria ainda mais alinhamento e responsabilidade. Os líderes da GE ganham mais à medida que superamos metas que se alinham com o valor para os acionistas. E os pagamentos são amplamente diferenciados com base no desempenho do negócio. Em 2015, os pagamentos dos negócios variaram de 63 a 130 da compensação do alvo. Nossas equipes querem ganhar. Estamos redefinindo o que significa governar uma grande empresa global. Historicamente corporate foi um templo para comentários. Queremos torná-lo menor e intensificar o impacto da GE Store. A GE é uma empresa operacional, portanto a equipe sênior sempre fará cumprir a responsabilidade mútua. Mas desapareceram os dias em que as pessoas migrariam para a sede para informar e receber instruções. Em vez disso, devemos estar no mundo das idéias, para que permaneçamos contemporâneos e paranóicos. Isto está por trás do nosso movimento para Boston. Planejamos manter nossos custos corporativos em menos de 2% da receita, mas com um grande impacto. A GE Store é valiosa para os investidores, uma das principais razões pelas quais deve possuir a GE. Para realizar tudo isso, estamos abraçando uma cultura de simplificação. Reuni uma equipe de líderes da GE de início de carreira para me orientar na nossa jornada de simplificação. Eles me inspiram e motivam, mas ouvi-los é humilhante. Através de seus olhos, eu posso ver a natureza má da burocracia corporativa eles são um bom espelho para minhas próprias falhas. O GE que eles querem trabalhar é uma empresa mais profunda e mais simples, onde todos estão olhando para oportunidades lá fora para a tomada. Quero tornar a GE melhor para eles. A simplificação é essencial para se tornar o Digital Industrial. Estamos deixando o mundo de silos profissionais, planilhas desconectadas e fluxos de trabalho burocráticos para equipes ágeis que são baseadas em missão. Estamos reconhecendo que, para a próxima geração, velocidade e simplificação são sinônimo de qualidade e inovação. Pedimos a muitas pessoas destacadas para se juntar à GE, deixando carreiras promissoras em empresas de TI. Eles o fazem porque compartilham nossa visão para a Internet Industrial. Prometi-lhes que iremos liderar, tanto na tecnologia como na cultura, que não seremos sobrecarregados por velhos procedimentos industriais que já não são uma base para o sucesso. Alcançar uma cultura de simplificação é um imperativo estratégico da GE e definirá nossa liderança para a próxima geração. Como Potenciamos o Mundo com Inovação GRANDE PRODUTO LANÇA Simplificação Para a Equipe Investidores Necessidade da Indústria A indústria global de petróleo e gás opera em circunstâncias desafiadoras, especialmente com a queda acentuada dos preços do petróleo nos últimos dois anos. Como os sinais apontam para ainda mais incerteza e volatilidade, a indústria vai precisar como nunca antes de aproveitar ao máximo cada ativo, e de cada dólar investedall enquanto continua a tornar as operações mais seguras. Isto não pode ser alcançado a uma escala suficiente, apenas melhorando as formas tradicionais ou tecnologias familiares. A indústria precisa de novos meios para capturar o valor oculto em todos os pontos da produção, desde o reservatório à refinaria. O desafio é otimizar o desempenho e os processos, com segurança e segurança, em toda a cadeia de valor. Nossa Solução A resposta é a tecnologia digital, conectando máquinas, dados e pessoas. É o que estamos fazendo na GE Oil Gas, com resultados que estão direcionando a produtividade e transformando a indústria. Com nossas tecnologias digitais projetadas especificamente, o equipamento funciona melhor e mais tempo. Sensores e analíticas fornecem insights acionáveis, de modo que a condição do equipamento é constantemente monitorada, inatividade não planejada é mantida a um mínimo e manutenção é conduzida com mais precisão e preemptively. As operações são muito melhoradas pelo conhecimento que os clientes obtêm através da nossa tecnologia digital. Quando as percepções dos equipamentos, reservatórios subterrâneos e pontos de dados externos são reunidas, o planejamento operacional ea tomada de decisões tornam-se mais eficientes e focados com os correspondentes ganhos de desempenho e segurança. Usando o Predix, agora oferecemos aos operadores de petróleo e gás um painel de gerenciamento de toda a empresa, o que está se revelando uma vantagem crucial em condições muito competitivas. Outras aplicações de produtos incluem: Field Vantage para monitorar e prever o desempenho de campos onshore para otimizar a produção. Pipeline Management Solution para integração de dados, visualização e análise para gerenciar o risco de pipeline. Operações Unificadas para visões completas da empresa e gerenciamento de conhecimento para aumentar a eficiência. A GE Oil Gas está aplicando tecnologias digitais dentro de nossas próprias instalações de manufatura e serviços para oferecer melhores resultados em tempo de ciclo, custo e qualidade. Em nossas Fábricas Brilhantes, os engenheiros estão trabalhando a partir de modelos 3-D e prototipagem rápida, usando validação virtual nos níveis de componentes e montagem para acelerar o processo de design. Isso significa que podemos oferecer soluções mais rápidas para operadores de petróleo e gás, não em nosso cronograma, mas em deles. Com análise de simulação, análise e aprendizagem em malha fechada, melhoramos o rendimento eo custo de qualidade. Agora temos um único sistema centralizado para criar, gerenciar, configurar e integrar dados de fabricação de produtos. Mudando nossa cultura Nós também estamos nos certificando de praticar o que pregamos. Os insights que derivamos de dados e insights, seja em finanças, cadeia de suprimentos ou recursos humanos, podem melhorar nossa tomada de decisão e velocidade. No planejamento de nossa força de trabalho, estamos analisando a maneira como imploramos talentos com a flexibilidade e a mobilidade necessárias para melhor atender os clientes. Algoritmos financeiros e uma ferramenta de CRM contemporânea estão nos ajudando a eliminar reuniões simplesmente por uma questão de relatório-out e em vez puxar líderes juntos quando há insights acionáveis ​​que nos ajudarão a gerenciar custos básicos ou investir em RD e localização. Nossos lagos de dados ajudam as equipes da cadeia de suprimentos a comparar peças comuns em todas as linhas de produtos e aumentar seu poder de compra e nossa produtividade. Também estamos usando a sabedoria da multidão para resolver problemas internos ou externos. Eventos de crowdsourcing descobriram formas criativas de simplesmente economizar em custos administrativos gerais e até mesmo usar menos água nas operações de campo do cliente. Para continuar a empurrar os limites do que o digital pode fazer, weve mobilizou uma brigada de embaixadores digitais com origens diversas. Eles têm o poder de desafiar práticas desatualizadas que se beneficiarão de uma abordagem digital. Em tudo isso, à medida que trazemos insights digitais para um setor vital, estamos nos certificando de que a conectividade entre sistemas nunca compromete a segurança. Uma cultura definida pela inovação digital também deve ser devotada à cibersegurança inflexível. Nós, da GE Oil Gas, pretendemos ser os primeiros a cumprir esse padrão. Conexões de Energia, Necessidade de Indústria de CEO Um terço do poder de mundos é gerado por GE mas toda essa energia significa muito pouco se permanecer fora de alcance. Energy Connections liga as máquinas brilhantes, grades e sistemas que fornecem energia para as pessoas e lugares que mais precisam. Para nós, ser um Digital Industrial começa com o cliente. Nossa Solução Estamos constantemente aperfeiçoando a experiência do cliente e melhorando sua eficiência operacional. Para tornar mais fácil para os clientes escolher nossos produtos e serviços, lançamos um conjunto de ferramentas de configuração de soluções on-line. E, melhorando nossos configuradores de produtos de engenharia para produtos complexos, tais como centrais de controle de motores e comutadores, estavam reduzindo os prazos de projeto em até 50. Estendendo essas práticas para as operações de nossos clientes, lançamos recentemente uma nova oferta de controle industrial, a SCADA Edge IPC. Ele reúne o software de controle de controle GEs Proficy e sua robusta plataforma de computação industrial que coleta, otimiza e processa dados de máquinas brilhantes. Agora, nossos clientes podem monitorar e controlar todos os aspectos de seu ambiente de loja, equipamentos e recursos sob um único painel de vidro, proporcionando uma melhor eficiência do operador e menos tempo de inatividade. Levando a inovação para o campo, estamos expandindo nossos negócios de software e automação de rede para obter melhores resultados para as concessionárias de energia elétrica. Essas soluções reduzem drasticamente o tempo necessário para reunir, analisar e interpretar dados de equipamentos, reduzir os tempos de resposta de 30 off e reduzir os custos de reparo em até 75. Os clientes que usam nossas Subestações Digitais Inteligentes podem eliminar cabos e testes manuais, Mais de 40. Isso se traduz em reduções de custo de mão-de-obra de ciclo de vida total de mais de 50 para sistemas de proteção e controle de subestações. Energy Connections usa milhões de ativos conectados e suas idéias para suportar sistemas de controle críticos em tempo real para gerenciamento de pipeline, plataformas de mercado de energia em tempo real, sistemas de distribuição de gás e redes elétricas de transmissão e distribuição. Nossos sistemas de informações geoespaciais conectam vários ativos e melhoram o desempenho. Com uma visão abrangente de todos os seus ativos, os clientes reduziram os tempos de detecção de falhas em 92 e o pessoal de campo em 40. Também estamos avançando para a próxima etapa em redes inteligentes. Em Nice, França, concluímos recentemente o projecto de demonstração Nice Grid, que integrou eficientemente a energia solar na rede. Na indústria marítima, estamos ajudando os clientes a otimizar suas frotas. Recentemente lançamos o SeaStream Insight, alimentado pelo Predix. Esta solução reúne e analisa dados através de um vaso inteiro, então usa analítica prescritiva e preditiva para reduzir o tempo de inatividade e os custos dos serviços. Mudando nossa cultura Nossa equipe é completamente centrada na entrega em um mundo digital. Utilizamos as ferramentas de Gerenciamento do Ciclo de Vida do Produto para aumentar a produtividade e a qualidade. As ferramentas de modelagem e simulação 3D compactam o ciclo de projeto para o desenvolvimento de novos produtos. Os modelos são ligados pelo fio digital à nossa loja para garantir a eficiência e qualidade do produto. Uma vez projetados, esses produtos serão construídos em nossas fábricas brilhantes, onde equipamentos com sensores, automação e capacidades digitais melhoram a eficiência e a qualidade ao mesmo tempo em que reduzem o custo. Um resultado é que o nosso novo ciclo de produtos e inventário irá melhorar por 20 um sinal de progresso para a nossa empresa, e um modelo de sucesso para nossos clientes. GE Digital, Chief Commercial Officer Necessidade do setor Até o ano 2020, todo o equipamento industrial crítico será conectado e um exabyte (1 milhão de terabytes) de dados por dia estará disponível. Enquanto isso, a produtividade geral das empresas industriais caiu de 4 nas duas últimas décadas para 1. Os clientes estão demandando mais do que um portfólio de produtos e serviços tradicionais. Eles esperam experiências de classe mundial e resultados de negócios mensuráveis. Eles sabem que dados e conectividade podem ajudar a crescer sua linha superior e inferior através de maior eficiência, produtividade e segurança, mas eles precisam de um parceiro que pode ajudar a dizer-lhes como. Digite GE. Nossa Solução A GE Digital montou as pessoas, processos e tecnologia necessários para fornecer uma ampla gama de recursos digitais. Esses recursos produzem novos resultados de negócios atraentes para os clientes, tais como mais energia a um custo menor, melhores diagnósticos de saúde por varredura com dose reduzida e maior velocidade no transporte. A Internet industrial muda tudo para nossos clientes industriais. Portanto, para nós, é sobre a obtenção de nossos clientes conectados, obtendo-lhes insights e obtendo otimizado para que eles possam cumprir os seus objectivos de negócio. O ponto de partida é o desenvolvimento de modelos digitais Twindigital de máquinas e processos. Usando sensores, ajudamos nossos clientes a transmitir dados de seus ativos para o Predix. E usando nossas aplicações ou aplicações custom-built, nós podemos fornecer as idéias que permitem que nossos clientes optimize seus recursos e operações. Mais importante ainda, permitimos que as equipes comerciais com a GE Storeknowledge de nossos ativos e soluções de toda a empresa GE que tenham produzido resultados em uma variedade de indústrias e aplicações. Os clientes da GE Digital podem se associar com confiança a nós sabendo que testámos estes produtos na nossa própria empresa antes de os transportar para o mercado. Empresas de software tradicionais não podem oferecer o mesmo. Mudando nossa cultura Na GE Digital, quase todos os nossos funcionários têm um fundo de software e, portanto, têm o que chamamos de DNA digital. Eles intuitivamente foco na velocidade de execução e resultados rápidos e mensuráveis. Eles compreendem o poder dos ecossistemas de clientes e parceiros eo potencial efeito multiplicador que esses ecossistemas podem ter sobre a escalabilidade ea geração de valor. Funcionários com DNA digital inatamente foco na condução de resultados do cliente, em vez de vender produtos. Estamos conduzindo esse DNA através da GE através de treinamento, treinamento e liderança com o exemplo. Os clientes não só receberão os profundos conhecimentos de domínio industrial e experiência que eles já esperam da GE, mas também verão uma empresa mais ágil e ágil focada em oferecer mais valor do que nunca. Necessidade da indústria Na aviação, operar os motores, os componentes e os sistemas os mais finos feitos em qualquer lugar no mundo pode ser improvedby pelo uso dos dados e da análise. Há uma geração, um engenheiro da GE Aviation teria estado na vanguarda da tecnologia usando pequenos conjuntos de dados coletados após cada vôo para melhorar o desempenho de nossos equipamentos em serviço. Essa era a limitação da tecnologia na época e a limitação inerente à aprendizagem. Hoje, a conectividade digital está removendo essa barreira. Nossa Solução Nossa capacidade de aproveitar grandes fluxos de dados de produtos de aviação oferece insights incríveis e valor operacional real para nossos clientes. Juntos, estamos desbloqueando oportunidades para gerar maior produtividade além de nossos serviços tradicionais, criando padrões de indústria para computação em nuvem e fortalecendo nossa colaboração enquanto trabalhamos na solução de seus desafios mais difíceis. Estamos criando um novo conjunto de habilidades digitais focado na competitividade, rapidez e eficiência de nossos clientes, diferenciando nossos produtos, serviços e relacionamentos. Estamos aplicando análise de dados e novas tecnologias digitais para avançar nossas próprias operações. Ferramentas de design digital, fabricação de aditivos, usinagem automatizada avançada e inspeção avançada, tudo isso está permitindo que nossas operações, parceiros e fornecedores reduzam drasticamente o tempo de ciclo ao mesmo tempo em que melhoram a qualidade. Por exemplo, nossos conceitos de projeto de lâmina de turbina mais sofisticados estão agora em teste em duas semanas, e não nos nove meses necessários, graças à rápida prototipagem e impressão 3D. Em nossos negócios de aviônica e energia elétrica, reduzimos nosso tempo de ciclo de desenvolvimento de software em 60, utilizando novas ferramentas de modelagem inteligente desenvolvidas com a GE Global Research. Essas ferramentas analisam, aprendem e adaptam software de requisitos para código permitindo que nossos engenheiros se concentrem em velocidade de mercado. Mudando nossa cultura Um negócio digital da GE Aviation move-se a um ritmo muito mais rápido, com a confiança ea velocidade permitidas por uma nova realidade onde a física atende a análise e nossos clientes e acionistas ganham. Onde a aprendizagem de nossos funcionários é pautada não pela disponibilidade de informações, mas pela própria capacidade de resolver coletivamente os desafios desta geração, e estamos criando uma cultura mais forte, onde velocidade e simplificação são sinônimo de qualidade e inovação. Apenas a GE pode aproveitar as tecnologias inovadoras de nossos negócios globais através da GE Store, aprender coletivamente com as oportunidades que cada empresa enfrenta e colocar essas soluções para trabalhar para nossos clientes de Aviação em todo o mundo. GE Healthcare, CEO Necessidade de Indústria Um aumento estimado de 1 na eficiência de cuidados de saúde apenas um único por cento economizaria 63 bilhões em despesas anuais de saúde em todo o mundo. Por mais enormes que esses benefícios sejam, naturalmente, as necessidades em saúde vão muito além de dobrar a curva de custos. Cada nova melhora na tecnologia médica pode ajudar a tornar os tratamentos mais acessíveis, mais acessíveis para os pacientes e mais bem sucedidos em seus resultados. O setor de saúde está mudando de formas fundamentais, à medida que os provedores e os governos se voltam para dados e análises para melhorar o desempenho clínico, operacional e financeiro. Saúde digital é a integração de hardware avançado, software e wetwarethe de próxima geração de dados em DNA. No campo da medicina, a Internet Industrial significa uma melhor gestão da saúde da população através de visões longitudinais orientadas por dados, para que os prestadores possam oferecer os tratamentos certos no momento certo. Nossa Solução A GE Healthcare antecipou essa mudança em direção à saúde digital de três maneiras fundamentais: Primeiro, construímos perícia digital robusta. Cinco mil engenheiros de software estão treinados em um único objetivo: transformar intermináveis ​​fluxos de dados em insights acionáveis, de que as vidas dependem de cada refinamento do conhecimento. Em segundo lugar, aplicamos a mentalidade digital-primeira às operações internas. Assim como os médicos querem gastar menos tempo navegando no sistema e mais tempo cuidando dos pacientes, os funcionários da GE preferem dar seu tempo e energia para atender as necessidades dos clientes, ao invés de lidar com restrições internas desnecessárias. Assim, estamos conectando nossas próprias operações comerciais com a cadeia de suprimentos e organização de serviços em uma plataforma digital unificada, eliminando qualquer obstáculo que nos impede de resolver os problemas de nossos clientes. Em terceiro lugar, desenvolvemos soluções baseadas em resultados que custam menos e fazem um melhor uso do tempo dos clínicos. Em breve, os médicos serão capazes de instantaneamente sift através de dados de milhões de exames de imagem de diagnóstico, detectando doenças mais cedo e com mais precisão. Com o primeiro cloudour específico da indústria, o GE Health Cloud, alimentado por inovadores da Predixtech, pode se juntar a um ecossistema seguro onde eles podem construir, implantar e comercializar suas aplicações. Esses aplicativos ajudam os médicos a gerenciar dados complexos, como exames de imagem 3D, ao mesmo tempo em que a colaboração clínica é tão simples e rotineira quanto as redes sociais. Inovações em conectividade estão fazendo toda a diferença nos cuidados de saúde modernos. Departamentos de radiologia no Texas estão usando análise de dados para redesenhar fluxos de trabalho, adicionando potencialmente milhões para a linha de fundo, ao mesmo tempo, reduzir os tempos de espera e ansiedade do paciente. Hospitais no Quênia e na Índia estão em parceria com clínicos especialistas em todo o mundo através de dispositivos inteligentes para ajudar a reduzir as taxas de mortalidade materna e infantil. Mudando nossa cultura Em talvez nenhum outro setor são as implicações da Internet Industrial mais em evidência, ou mais promissor, do que nos cuidados de saúde. E nenhuma outra empresa tem adaptado a sua cultura mais do que temos de ser o melhor parceiro possível para os nossos clientes como eles trabalham para resolver os desafios futuros. Estamos deixando o mundo de silos profissionais, planilhas desconectadas e fluxos de trabalho burocráticos para construir comunidades de equipes multifuncionais que têm um único foco: os resultados dos clientes. We are investing in digital collaboration platforms that look and feel like social media, which creates instant connection between our commercial and services teams and fosters a customer-focused culture based on speed and trust. And we are leveraging this new internal culture to drive real external resultsoffering our customers more than just superior imaging and deep domain expertise, but also data analytics and innovative business models. In all this, we are building the future in life sciences, imaging and digital, and enabling the transformation of healthcare to value and outcome-based models. Industry Need Digital is a game changerone of the biggest strategic shifts of our lifetime. Everything is being transformed. Mobile tools are enabling a better way to perform locomotive service, analytics and software are facilitating smarter maintenance and longer uptime, and embedded software and controls are delivering game changing equipment performance. And the greater our own knowledge of how our products and industries are performing, the better we can serve each customer. Our Solution Through digital technology, we are able to bring direct and immediate improvements to our customers operations. A few examples: On our Tier 4 locomotive, the smartest on the market, more than 200 onboard sensors process over a billion instructions per second. Our smart locomotives evaluate mission-critical data such as train length and weight, track conditions and grade, and driver response time to determine the optimal and most fuel-efficient way to run. Our Trip Optimizer product brings 7-9 fuel efficiency to our customers, and this year reached 100 million auto-control miles. That alone has saved customers some 56 million gallons of fuel and 197 million in fuel costs, while reducing greenhouse gases by 628 kilotons. Our Movement Planner software solution looks at a railroads entire network and optimizes the routing of trains for improved capacity and velocity, without laying new track and infrastructure. It provides real-time train re-routing and network optimization based on current traffic and events. Inside our business, digital has transformed how we workgiving us greater speed and agility, a laser-focus on driving impactand has evolved our culture. In our factories, we have sensor-enabled machines and we leverage standard global systems. We are eliminating re-work, optimally routing repairs, reducing downtime and improving quality. This means better service to our customers and greater productivity all around. A good example is placing sensors on critical equipment to monitor vibration by doing so weve eliminated machine downtime, yielding productivity gains of 10-15 in those parts of the factory. With our Services teams, we are increasingly leveraging a computer-based Digital Twin of our equipment to analyze individual asset performance, prevent failure modes and optimize maintenance throughout its life. Because we already know the condition of locomotive engines through our digital models, we can route them for remanufacturing based solely on what needs to be repaired, rather than using a standard full remanufacturing spec for every engine. In our customers service shops, we know the exact maintenance to perform on a locomotive before it even comes in for repair. Changing Our Culture At GE Transportation, digital is not just another function it is a driving mission of the entire business. Digital is at the core of our DNA, and it is being infused into every part of how we work and how we think. We are breaking free of our traditional functions, with mission-based and agile teamsteams with singular purpose, empowered to leverage any discipline in our business to achieve their mission. These teams work toward critical outcomes such as reliability, customer uptime and design for valuemoving fast, focusing on what matters and leveraging every person. Digital is at the core of this approach, leveraging new cloud-based tools, data, analytics and Predix. For example, we have teams working with some of our largest customers on projects such as using video analytics for equipment inspection and leveraging advanced technology for real-time monitoring of rail integrity. More than ever, our success is critically aligned to that of our customers. And more than ever, because of our deep focus, technology and data science, our teams bring powerful solutions and performance to our industries. Industry Need Some of the worlds energy needs are very simple to state. Today, more than a billion people still live without electricity another two billion have inadequate supplies. And 20 years from now, global demand for electricity will increase by 50. Across power-intensive industries, utilities and power producers are seeking partners who can help them navigate through a complex and challenging environment and deliver the right balance of affordable, accessible, reliable and sustainable power. Our Solution At GE Power, we are fully engaged in the digital transformation of energy, building integrated software solutions for customers from generation through to transmission and distribution. Combined with our industrial know-how, our digital solutions span many forms of fuel sources of power generation and hardware helping customers connect every sensor, asset and piece of operational data to optimize outcomes across assets, operations and their entire business. We are leveraging all the creativity and insight of the GE Store and are the fastest growing portion of GEs digital portfolio. In 2015, we launched Digital Power Plant, a suite of software applications, powered by Predix, that helps deliver more power, higher reliability, greater efficiencies and lower emissions. The Digital Power Plant can generate up to 50 million of incremental value over the life of an existing plant, and up to 230 million for a new one. We are co-partnering with our customers to use Predix-powered software and digital solutions to solve their greatest challenges. One such partner is Qatars RasGas Company Limited, one of the worlds largest producers of liquefied natural gas. We are using GEs Asset Performance Management application to help them lower unplanned downtime, extend the life of their assets, reduce operating costs and optimize their supply chain. Another great example is Exelon, one of the largest and most innovative energy providers in the U. S. Exelon is one of our first customers to deploy the Digital Power Plant and implement a suite of enterprise-wide software technologies across three fuel sourcesnuclear, gas and wind. At the same time, we are transforming our very own business, creating end-to-end digital connections across our operations to benefit our customers. This Digital Thread weaves together several initiativesdesign system integration, model-based enterprise and virtual manufacturing. The advantages of the Digital Thread are enormous: allowing us to see more and to deliver better outcomes for our customers, while generating nearly 900 million in productivity savings over the next three years. Changing Our Culture In GE Power were changing the way we work embedding digital into everything we do. Leveraging a FastWorks mindset to empower employees to change their workspaces and create tools that facilitate collaboration digitizing our processes and creating end-to-end connections building brilliant factories that predict, adapt and react more quickly to better deliver for our customers. Our experience is showing that truly becoming digital requires a culture changean environment of openness, information transparency, trust, candor, speed and clear accountabilityall focused on being the best and most competitive in all that we do. This is what we stand for and in its essence is the new GE. Renewable Energy, CEO Industry Need In our Renewable Energy business, the capacity to collect, store and share large amounts of data, as well as modelling and analytical capability, is transforming an already-transformative industry. Our Solution The experience of machines in the field, captured in a constant flow of data, is informing equipment design, improving operational performance and guiding maintenance planning. The Onshore Wind Business has been pioneering digital systems, launching its Digital Wind Farm ecosystem in May 2015. Using the power of big data, wind farms are configured to maximize the performance of each turbine at each location according to the surrounding wind conditions. Their performance is monitored and adjusted in real time to ensure that the wind farm operates as efficiently as possible. Turbines are equipped with sensors that feed into GEs Predix software, which allows performance monitoring from data across farms or even entire fleets. As more data is collected, the system learns over time, becoming more predictive and hence more useful in setting preventive maintenance schedules. These capabilities have the potential to be rolled out all across our onshore and offshore wind operations. In the Hydro business, predictive technology has also been used to test components on-site, and thus optimize long-term performance. For example, Hydro performed dynamic stress testing on one blade of a customer turbine runner. Seventy pressure sensors and strain gauges took readings from across the blade, giving engineers precise knowledge of the turbines behaviour, and with that better knowledge of the entire plants performance. The ability to collect, store and process large amounts of information has also made for breakthroughs in data visualisation, so that Hydro customers can now make virtual visits to power plants before they are built, with a view to better operation and maintenance after they are built. Information taken from digital engineering drawings can be brought to life in full-scale 3D models that are used throughout the supply chain, from manufacturing and installation all the way through to service. The business is also adopting digital innovation in its manufacturing processes, producing its first test runner using 3D printing. Applications are everywhere, from better planning in the use of expensive cranes, to improving factory machine plans. Changing Our Culture Energy is an industry in transformationit must provide vital electricity to billions of people while also reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The Renewable Energy team feels a strong sense of purpose to enable reliable, accessible and affordable renewable power to people everywhere. You can feel the momentum as a new generation of employees, drawn by the renewable energy mission, bring a digital mindset to all aspects of their work. Employees such as Jean-Christophe Tawil, whose interest in 3D imaging led him to develop virtual hydro turbines and generators, that make on-site servicing more productive, and improve our total plant design process. More and more employees are looking at our operations, seeing opportunities for digital tools to improve our productivity and taking the initiative to act. They know that making renewable power more affordable will accelerate penetration and help tackle the energy challengefor the benefit of people everywhere. Simplification reinforces that outcomes matter. Companies need to blunt the momentum of corporate political correctness. It creates a sense that, if the processes are followed, outcomes dont matter. In this world, it is easy to lose a sense for priorities and proportionality. When political correctness invades business, you lose your competitive edge. It doesnt do any good to win awards for good governance if you are getting eaten alive by competitors. Our sole truth of performance is in the market, winning with customers and investors. Simplification is making GE safer. Integrity is the foundation of GE. But I take a broader view, not just a legalistic one. We want GE to be morally sound, but also strong. The way we keep GE safe is by having great engineers who design reliable products by taking cybersecurity seriously and holding senior leaders accountable to be cyber experts by having a strong balance sheet that is impregnable in a crisis by having open reporting of rule violations by seizing growth opportunities in an uncertain economy and by creating a culture of constructive conflict where everyone has a voice. This includes people who challenge procedures when they dont make sense. Simplification has helped us improve risk management through operational excellence, not by multiple reviews that cheapen accountability. Through simplification GE is more unified. It is important to take out layers so that leaders are in touch with their teams. We are reducing vertical reviews in favor of delegating decisions to experts who are closer to our customers. We have learned that even the best people will underperform when they have myopic goals. So we have simplified our metrics to better align our teams. GE has 333,000 employees working around the world. Simplification is essential to lead them with a unified purpose. A simpler company is faster. Lets face it, complex systems are put in place by bureaucrats to either stop progress or simulate perfection. FastWorks is becoming the way we work, favoring progress over perfection. Becoming the Digital Industrial will take multiple improvements. We are not exactly sure what every strategic step will look like. But, we will find out quickly we will learn and adapt to win. A simpler company is more empathetic. Simplification forces you to actually learn how your team works to care more about their tools and productivity. Doug Folsom leads GE Aviations 50-year-old Hooksett, New Hampshire factory, which embodies the best of GEs past and future. Here we have 700 motivated teammates driving a transformation in what we build and how we build it. They are embracing a fully digital factory, including new automated milling machines and 3D printing capability. More than half of GEs employees are associated with high-tech manufacturing. We are investing in their future, and they are delivering advanced technologies to our global customers. It requires investment and empowerment to create valuable manufacturing jobs. It is essential that GE continue to be relevant to the next generation of leaders. I have assembled a group of young leaders, whom I meet with frequently, to help me see GE through their eyes. It is my dream that every young person should want to come to work at our great company. I will never give up that dream. I have asked them to answer three essential questions: What does their GE do What should their GE look like And, Why not us What Does Our GE Do At our GE, every day we go to work to help save peoples lives. We solve the toughest problems in the world: lack of access to quality healthcare, power and water. When we put our minds into doing something that is right for our customers, nothing can stop us. We get it done. And we act with unyielding integrity. We do what we say we are going to do. We said we wanted to build a GE Store to leverage technology, growth markets and services, and we are doing it. We said we would take risks and offer the market game-changing technologies, and we are doing it. We said we would transform GE into a Digital Industrial company that offers superior customer outcomesand we are doing it Our GE recognizes that the global marketplace is changing fast and is ready for speed. It is willing to take more risk in new products, new markets and new technologies and is doing it faster. Our GE understands that without customers, we dont exist and because of that, we work horizontally, always focusing on customer output, using the GE Store as a competitive advantage. With the GE Store interwoven into our culture, the design-to-market process will move with increased agility. Our GE is becoming a more horizontal company where everyone is focused on delivering for our clients, breaking down barriers and challenging unnecessary bureaucracy. Hierarchy is becoming less important when it comes to sharing relevant viewpoints. Our voices are being heard at all levels. Our next generation of leaders is highly collaborative, connected and welcomes the opportunity to share information. In order to enable this change, our leadership is focusing on creating a more collaborative environment where getting things done becomes easier every day. Our GE is beginning to act more entrepreneurial. It is investing in amazing ventures, betting on new solutions and business models like Current. It is continuously searching for new ideas, striving to identify emerging needs and providing the best solution in the shortest time. Our GE believes in its people and invests in their development in every corner of the globe. It recognizes the value of diversity and encourages constructive conflict in order to provide the best solution at all times. Our GE is the place we want to come back to the next morning, the place where we want to work together with our colleagues, the place we want to be for the next 20 years. The GE we want will be a place where we cherish customer data. Assets will speak the same language Predixto drive the best outcomes for customers. Each asset will reveal how it needs to be groomed to perform at its best, resulting in the best experience, adaptive to the setting it evolves in. We will interpret this data and provide meaningful insights back to our customers, resulting in concrete, relevant outcomes. One thing that will not change is our proven strength of picking great people and developing them to be great leaders. GE people are not just incredibly smart, they are also good people with strong values who are hungry to learn. GE must use our generations technical skill and social culture as part of the strategy for future success. This will require dismantling functional silos, valuing horizontal thinking and accepting failure as part of the innovation process. Collaborative, shared riskreward relationships with employees, customers and partners need to be enhanced. GE will be a place that attracts abundant intellectual resources. We will gather the best, hungriest talents and grow them into the leaders of tomorrow. It will take time and iterations. We will encourage them, coach them and be their cheerleaders. They may fail at times. It would mean they had tried hard enough. If they fall, we will be there to catch them. We will encourage leaders to go deeper in markets, and we will reward domain expertise in commercial and technical fields. GE will be ever more global, with more leaders in growth markets. These markets will require the solutions that only GE can provide. As they grow, the face of GE will continue to change to reflect the markets where we have the most opportunity. GE will be a place that ignites peoples passions, an exciting place with the spirit of camaraderie. Frontline teams will be empowered. Operations will be more transparent and efficient, and structured more simply. Our teams will go beyond GE. We will collaborate with customers and other partners to develop new solutions. We will be mission-driven. We will be empowered to safely access, dissect and transform data into valuable and sharable insights for the world to see. Our workplaces will look different: more flexible work environments with less formality. We are already seeing this change in many of our workplaces. In the past, leaders were valued for their knowledge in the future, it will be their ability to learn and share. We must lead the Digital Industrial by building real-time decision-making in our machine-to-machine connectivity. GE leaders will make decisions that are collaborative and outcome-driven. The needle is moving. Our early FastWorks projects were met with reluctance because of our inherent culture to win the first time. However, the results from these projects were real and undeniable. This new methodology infiltrated our culture, and todays GE is one where big swings are encouraged, failures are celebrated and a faster solution is reached. We are re-inventing ourselves. Whether weve been with GE for 30 years or even one year, the Company we knew yesterday will not be the Company of tomorrow. The question is, Are we finished The answer is no. A GREAT GE is a simple GE, and we still have work to do. We are committed to becoming the best Digital Industrial company in the world. Come visit us and you can feel the change across the Company. GE employees are seeing the opportunities that are out there for grabs, and more and more of them are asking, Why not us At stake is the digital transformation of industry, and the winners will win big as this transformation occurs. A simpler company is better for our customers. Maria Claudia Borras recently joined GE as the Chief Commercial Officer in our Oil Gas business. At GE, we have become too comfortable with fragmented approaches that work internally, but make customers miserable. She has reorganized our commercial efforts to provide solutions, broken down functional barriers and leveraged digital tools to improve our service. A simpler company is good for investors. Good teams like the same things as good investors. Low-cost companies are better for your team and investors. It means fewer layers, fewer processes, more delegation of authority and better jobs. Information and transparency produce more speed and more accountability. Your team loves it and so do investors. Linking beliefs with valuable outcomes with compensation motivates our team and investors. We have done a better job of being our own activist. Few companies can match our record of bold change. To be honest, I dont think activists are necessarily bad for companies. They are able to take a fresh look. We like having smart investors in the stock, even when they have a point of view. Activists challenge companies to set priorities, stop wasting money and time, and work on what is essential. When a business team fails in GE, this is what you find: complicated accountability, too much cost in the wrong places, excessive priorities and low market awareness. These are factors activists point to when they criticize companies. Shame on us if we need help from the outside to find this out. But lets face it, every CEO and company should be proudest of long-term investing of building something, not just managing it. I know I am. Everybody likes our Aviation business today. It has an awesome franchise, technical leadership and valuable customer relationships. But nobody liked it after 911 or during the financial crisis when we doubled our RD. We have the finest Life Sciences business in the industry, one that is high margin and fast growth. Building this position was facilitated by an expensive acquisition that today looks like a bargain. It has prospered with the benefits of the GE Store. If we had waited for this to be popular, we would have missed the opportunity. For every company, there is a fine line between staying the course and listening to new voices between short term and long term. GE is a 138-year-old company. Frequently, our investors hold our stock for only an hour, six months, three years. They are important, but cant be the only voice. Not because these investors ask for too much, but because they ask for too little. Our strategic opportunities are vast. Our products, and more importantly our customer relationships, last for decades. At GE, we are builders. Recently, several big investors publically criticized companies for being too short-term oriented. They may be right, but large institutional investors are to blame as well. They have allowed governance to become too legalistic, about politics instead of protecting the average investor. It is confusing for investors when they are told that company leadership is about filling out forms, not bold growth strategies. It takes strong leadership to bridge the divide between activist regulation pushing you backward and activist investors who want more right now. It is possible to be ultra-competitive, strategically bold and disciplined at the same time. But, it requires great people who want to make a difference. The most important culture change still ahead of us is to be completely intolerant of being nice for the sake of getting along. To fight for ideas to fight for our customers to fight for efficiency to fight for people who are different. I want our leaders to learn to ask, Why not us I want them to dream about new levels of growth and performance. I want them to see the world both as it is and as it could be if we are determined to lead. Brad Mottier is one example. He is the architect of our big wins in turboprops. He built this business as an entrepreneur who leveraged the GE Store. Now, we are penetrating one of GEs biggest unserved markets. We will change the game. Not every great idea in the future will come from a start-up in Silicon Valley. Some will come from big companies who ask, Why not us Similarly, companies can have a broader impact on the way the world works when we are not afraid to act. Two years ago, with the leadership of John Rice, we opened a business process outsourcing center in Saudi Arabia. Our vision was to tap into a pool of talented Saudi women to execute process support for our activities in 50 countries. Many people asked why. Now the center is growing and competing globally. It has created 700 jobs. It is led by a Saudi woman, Dr. Amal Fatani. Sometimes businesses can drive change faster than governments if they ask, Why not us I am really proud of the GE team. They are talented, global and driven they, too, have been tested. The GE team will never be outworked, and we dont give up. Last year, we won a 2.5 billion order to upgrade the India rail system. This was a project we worked on for 20 years. It required global teams, weekend travel and all the strength of the GE Store. One of the heroes who delivered this win will retire in 2016. His name is Dave Tucker. He was the commercial leader in our Transportation business. Like many GE leaders, he has lived the American Dream, becoming more than he thought possible. He grabbed every initiative and stayed contemporary. He hated to lose and rarely did. He had the best package of traits for a leader in the world today: He was a fantastic salesman, and he was a shrewd risk manager. He was always willing to change, lead and compete. You never hear about the heroes who work at GE. They are not evil globalists or crony capitalists. They are your neighbors. We are part of an economic ecosystem that is the most competitive in the world. We create great jobs through private enterprise and ingenuity. We give back competency and innovation directed at solving the worlds toughest problems. We are all proud to work at GE, a purposeful company that makes a difference in the world. That is the spirit with which I am asking investors to join GE as we transform and execute. We have delivered for you in the last five years. But we are still underowned by big investors. In this time of uncertainty, why not GE We have great businesses, global scale and strong initiatives. We have a ton of cash that can protect you. And we will lead the Industrial Internet. We are the Digital Industrial. We have grit. Our leaders learned from the experience of economic volatility. During the financial crisis, in 2008, we were frequently criticized about the size of GE Capital. Investors would ask, Why do you have so much commercial real estate They had a point. But we knew that merely shrinking GE Capital would not create an enduring and valuable GE. So we challenged ourselves with a different aspiration: to reclaim our role as the worlds most valuable industrial company one that will lead in innovation and value creation. We are delivering on that dream. We act. We learn. We get better. We insist on being more than we are today. Some companies are retreating we are moving forward to become the Digital Industrial. We are committed to deliver for you. Join us as we create the next wave of growth. Why not GESince 2011, GE has established a base for its oil and gas business in Mozambique forging partnerships with local organisations to build infrastructure and develop a much-needed workforce for its emerging offshore industry. Today, GE Mozambique employs 47 people and 94 of these employees are Mozambican citizens. GE has made significant progress in working with local institutions such as the National Petroleum Institution to deliver education courses developed by the Oil amp Gas Florence Learning Centre in Italy. These courses contribute to developing essential skills which are needed for the sector. Recognising that training is critical, GE Oil amp Gas employed 20 engineers for the Graduate Engineering Training Programme (GETP), which involved intensive hands-on training outside Mozambique. In the transport sector, more than 120 new locomotives are hauling freight and coal across the country daily. That makes Mozambiquersquos transportation fleet the second-largest GE fleet in Africa. GE has also worked towards building stronger relationships with key role-players in the education and logistics sectors. The company invested 250,000 in scholarships granted to Eduardo Mondlane University students, and 250,000 in a science laboratory and capacity building at University of Unilurio. Several Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) have been signed. This includes MOUs with: - A 250,000 donation to Eduardo Mondlane University to provide engineers with scholarships and to also develop the curriculum - The University of Unilurio to build a science lab and support capacity building - The Artisan Training Institutes to ensure newly hired GE Oil amp Gas service engineers can be locally trained - The ENH Logistics company to collaborate in knowledge transfer, training and development of local suppliers as well as aftermarket service capabilities for GE Oil amp Gas equipment ldquoWhile the GE team in Mozambique is relatively small, we are nonetheless committed to providing support for the country in several sectors. We also believe very firmly in developing skills in Mozambique, and to share the knowledge and expertise that GE has accumulated over the years, rdquo said Oil amp Gas Senior Staff Manager Ricardo Aboud. If therersquos one thing people in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields are acutely aware of, itrsquos that more women are needed in science. There are several reasons to support this call for gender parity and one of them is due to the incredible job growth taking place in STEM. Another compelling reason is because the female point of view is needed now more than ever. Take, for example, how male-dominated science and technology allowed the first generation of car airbags to injure women because engineers didnrsquot foresee that breasts close to the steering wheel could push deployed airbags up towards the neck. Situations such as this and others show that a gender bias in science has affected research outcomes and damaged womenrsquos health. The most significant job growth in coming years will take place in STEM fields, and specifically in the digital coding and programming area where Africa and Europe anticipate that 80 of jobs by 2020 will require a STEM education. GE has been supporting much-needed STEM development with global and SSA initiatives such as the annual Girls in Technology Day. which takes place in Nigeria. This month, GE committed to closing the gender gap by promising to place 20,000 women in technical roles by 2020 and this initiative will also involve a 50:50 gender representation in all entry-level technical programmes. Following this announcement, the GE Womenrsquos Network (GEWN) in Kenya decided to celebrate Valentinersquos Day with a Women in Technology breakfast forum about working in a digital organisation. The forum was hosted by GEWN Kenya together with the GE Africa Communications team with guests from Microsoft and Safaricom, which are both respected technology leaders which have made progress in promoting women in technology across the African continent. Image top: Ladies who attended the Women in Technology breakfast in Nairobi appreciated the opportunity to network. Image above: Amrote Abdella, Regional Director for the Microsoft 4Afrika Initiative addressed women at the breakfast. Credit: Photos Courtesy GE The GEWN was created to accelerate the advancement of women working at GE. By sharing information, best practices, education and experience, network members help one another to develop the leadership skills and career advancing opportunities needed to drive GErsquos success. ldquoItrsquos exciting for women working at GE in Kenya to learn and share experiences with our industry peers in the digital space. We see a huge opportunity to partner and support initiatives that promote more women in leadership and technology roles, rdquo said Brenda Mbathi, GEWN Leader, East Africa Hub. One of the guests at the Valentinersquos Day forum, Amrote Abdella, Regional Director for the Microsoft 4Afrika Initiative said: ldquoI lead a technology initiative in Africa with some of the best technical and non-technical talent from across the region. Technical or not, there is no substitute for competence and confidence in your role, especially for women aspiring to take top leadership positions. rdquo The Microsoft 4Afrika Initiative is a multi-year commitment by Microsoft to actively engage in Africarsquos economic development to improve its global competitiveness by enabling Africarsquos youth, businesses and governments through technology to innovate as they meet 21 st century challenges. Microsoft has promoted women and girls in technology through initiatives such as DigiGirlz for high school, the EmployMentor programme for female graduates and the Cloud Startup Academy for female entrepreneurs. Founded in 2012, Safaricomrsquos Women in Technology (WIT) is a network championed by passionate women working at Safaricom in technology-related careers. Their initiatives include Kids go tech, which focuses on children between 5-16 years of age to nurture their creativity and innovation 4747, which is a high school outreach and mentorship programme aimed at reaching out to at least 47 girlsrsquo high schools across Kenyarsquos 47 counties in one year Campus Outreaches, which target female engineering students at institutions of higher learning and WIT Networking, which is a monthly engagement with women in technology across industries in Kenya in which GEWN members have participated in the past. ldquoOur vision is to advance women in technology, from the classroom to the boardroom through a multi-pronged approach to bridge the wide gender gap that exists within technology industries in Kenya. We empower women at all levels of their technology careers by providing them with the exposure, networks and support to excel in the STEM industry, rdquo said Lillian Kiambati, Safaricom WIT Director. The GE Reports Africa blog has launched a new series known as ldquoA Day in the Life Ofrdquo which profiles GE SSArsquos unsung heroes, highlighting their contribution at GE. This week, we profile Nnenna Anthonia Olorunfemi. As the Lead Contract Performance Manager at GE Power and Water at the Nigeria Liquefied Natural Gas plant (NLNG), Nnenna will tell you if shersquos going to have a good day, or a bad day, by analysing the ldquoflare stackrdquo at the plant. She understands the impact GE gas turbines have in the LNG compression trains and the power generations units. ldquoIf I look up and the flare is small, then I know all our equipment is in perfect working condition and it will be a good day. If there is a lot of flare, then I know that one or more pieces of GE equipment are having trouble and I must prepare for a long, busy day ahead, rdquo she said. She swears by this method. Nnenna said that working in a male-dominated industry has not been easy, but perseverance, hard work and the pursuit of knowledge has paid off. Coming from a strict patriarchal home, Nnenna grew up in Nsukka, a small town which is also the site of the University of Nigeria in Enugu State. She completed both her primary and secondary education there, and went on to study zoology at the university, graduating with honours. When Nnenna was a child, she wanted to pursue a career in finance, but her strict father wanted her to become a doctor and encouraged her to stick to the sciences, so she ended studying zoology. After graduating, Nnenna got married and found herself living in Bonny Island, but she realised that this wasnrsquot the path she had imagined for herself. She wanted to pursue a career in management sciences and shared this goal with her neighbour, who told her about GE and advised her to apply for job at the company. Nnenna applied, was interviewed and was successful, and this is where her journey with GE began. In 2012, she was appointed as a contract performance manager associate at GE and in 2013, she was promoted to her current role. A normal day for Olorunfemi starts at 6am with a morning prayer, followed by preparations for work and getting her daughter ready for school. On her way to work, she always thinks ahead about what challenges she might be dealing with on that day. Nnennarsquos day-to-day tasks involve managing both the planned and unplanned maintenance of GE-covered equipment. Managing the plant involves planning for outages as well as ensuring that all the necessary resources to get the job done are available. ldquoAs a Contractual Service Agreement (CSA) contract manager, the finance is important. Therefore, I am responsible for billing and collection for the contact, rdquo said Olorunfemi. ldquoAll the things I do in my role is to ensure that we execute tasks flawlessly on site to ensure on-time invoicing and cash collection. Usually in the morning, the team on site will gather together for a meeting to share and discuss site-related issues and get business updates from the site director. ldquoThe main objective for us is mitigate any risk that will jeopardise the availability and reliability of the plant because we make money when the customer makes money. It is a win-win relationship, a partnership that makes GE and the customer co-creators of value. rdquo She goes home at about 6pm to prepare dinner for her family and then, she helps her daughter with her homework. Before her day ends, she usually checks social media to get updates on what is happening in her industry globally and to catch up on current affairs with her friends. ldquoBy the time one comes into the GE CSA business, you learn that it all works differently from other business models. Learning and understanding the business comes from hands-on experience and from the various classroom and online training provided by GE. Though classroom training provides one with basic principles which act as a good foundation, you soon realise that there are actual situations that you will find yourself in where you need to apply hands-on knowledge that you would have learned from practical situations. rdquo When Nnenna joined GE, she had an opportunity to go on internal training programmes and one of them was the Foundation of Leadership - a course that takes you through leadership at GE and how GE operates while instilling practical leadership skills. As Olorunfemi progressed, she enrolled in job-specific training for Contract Performance Certification that focused on Contract, Finance, and Outage management as well as technical, health, safety and environmental, commercial and sales elements. ldquoI have also had lsquoon-the-jobrsquo training, working under a senior corporate performance manager who was both a coach and a mentor. I also attended conferences and learned from colleagues, rdquo said Nnenna. Luckily, she was nominated to be part of the RISE programme, a corporate run leadership development programme targeting high-performing, high potential senior leaders. Over the course of the year-long programme, RISE participants engage in developmental experiences including: Individual Development Planning, Global HR Coaching, Classroom and Virtual Learning Sessions, and Networking with Senior Leadership and Peers across GE businesses. GE has been instrumental in Nnennarsquos career growth, instilling the value of education in her. ldquoOne should always continue to learn and grow. rdquo With the support of her manager and family, she obtained an MBA from the University of Liverpool UK, which increased her business management acumen, which she needed to manage the finance of a high-value contract such as NLNG. Nnenna added that one should never underestimate the power of networking as this has far-reaching implications. ldquoBe curious, ask questions and listen to feedback as this attribute will help you navigate the complex and unpredictable business environment that we now face. rsquorsquo The GE Reports Africa blog has launched a new series known as ldquoA Day in the Life Ofrdquo which profiles GE SSArsquos unsung heroes, highlighting their contribution at GE. Therersquos nothing like a hike in a forest where the mobile network coverage is low and yoursquore forced to switch off from your emails and social media. Catherine Mutonyi, the Commercial Operational Leader for SSA based in the Transportation division of GE Kenya has discovered that hiking and being in nature is the best way to destress. ldquoMy husband and I love hiking, so wersquore usually outside during the weekend, just enjoying nature. Itrsquos a true pleasure. Sometimes, wersquoll just go to the park and do a nice long walk with our two dogs. At other times, we get out of town and this forces us to wind down even more because the signal strength might not be that great where wersquore hiking, rdquo said Catherine. ldquoThe physical exertion helps me forget about the pressure at work and I thoroughly enjoy it when we bump into people and have random conversations. rdquo The main park Catherine visits in Nairobi is Karura, which is conveniently situated within the Karura Forest, making it easier for hikers to take longer walks. ldquoItrsquos a new thing in Kenya to have a park and go walking, and enjoy the open air. The other place that we like to go to is Lake Naivasha. You can do quite a bit there in terms of the hiking and camping. Itrsquos diverse and they have great food. rdquo Catherine has always set her career goals very high, initially wanting to study law and then leaning towards dentistry because she had an inclination towards chemistry and biology. But ultimately, she chose engineering because it would utilise her strengths, which are mathematics, science and physics. Catherine studied for a Bachelorrsquos degree in aerospace engineering at the University of Sheffield and then worked in London at project management and construction firm, Bechtel and at Transport for London where she gained valuable expertise in design, construction and railways. Catherine moved back to Kenya and started at GE in January last year as part of the Commercial Leadership Programme, which is now known as the Accelerated Leadership Programme. ldquoI work on the commercial side with sales leaders from different regions. Sales leaders go out and find out what the customer needs. I then vet the opportunities coming in from the sales leaders and where they are viable, I then take them through a proposal process. My days vary because it all depends on the needs and the urgencies that need to be dealt with on that day. rdquo Image top and above: Catherine Mutonyi, the Commercial Operational Leader for SSA based in the Transportation division of GE Kenya, loves hiking and has hiked to the top of Mount Kenya. Credit: Courtesy GE ldquoA typical morning starts with gym at about 6.30am and then, I go to work. Most days, I will start by working on urgent proposals and I will set up calls to get the information I need. I liaise with my team and the sales leaders so that we can prioritise, as a group, what we need to work on to ensure we all start on the right foot. Then, we get to the internal review processes where we talk about exactly what needs to be done with each proposal. Wersquoll also set up internal calls and calls with teams in other countries to go through the proposals. Because time is of the essence with each proposal we receive, I draw up a living document that we all work on to ensure that everyone contributes, and that we are considering all comments and inputs. rdquo Catherine liaises with teams all over Africa, Belgium and the United States almost daily, and she sometimes makes three calls a day to the global network. The teams in other countries are always willing to help, but due to everyone being busy, she has learnt to be very direct and to get to the point quickly during international calls. ldquoMy evenings end a little later because working with global teams extends my day, so I get home at about 8pm. Luckily, I donrsquot have to cook. We have someone who cooks for us and that makes life a little easier. Hopefully, my husband gets in at the same time as I do and wersquoll eat together, and itrsquos when we sit around talking that we start to wind down. When Irsquom at home, I also like to go online. I like to find out whatrsquos happening around the world in terms of news, trends and social media. I recently discovered Netflix, so I will watch an episode of a series, or half a movie before going to bed. rdquo Catherine is grateful for the way GE organises its various training programmes. ldquoThe training is structured in such a good way. The assignments are so meaningful and GE provides a support system too. I really feel like Irsquom making a valuable contribution at work. rdquo ldquoOne of the greatest lessons I learned early on, when working on my first proposal, was lsquonever be afraid to ask for helprsquo. I had put a lot of unnecessary pressure on myself with my first assignment by trying to do everything myself and then, one of my colleagues told me lsquoyou need to work with the team. You need to ask for help. You canrsquot sustain this because you will burn out. You are not expected to know everythingrsquo. I now ask for help very easily. rdquo ldquoMy advice to youngsters is: Donrsquot stop wanting to learn and learn how to work in a collaborative environment. Also, learn how to listen and how to prioritise, and always keep your mind open and ready to learn. rdquo The GE Reports Africa blog is launching an exciting new series known as ldquoA Day in the Life Ofrdquo. This series of profiles gives us the opportunity to cast the spotlight on GE SSArsquos unsung heroes, the employees who quietly go about contributing in meaningful ways to make GE the great multinational company that it is. If at first you donrsquot succeed, try, try again. This is the adage that ultimately secured Daniel Oluseye Komolafe a job at GE Nigeria where it took him a few tries before eventually hired on the GE Commercial Leadership Programme (CLP) in 2014. ldquoYou have to persevere and be proactive in your career and learning. You have to get out there and find opportunities if you want to succeed, rdquo said Komolafe (28), who is now a Commercial Manager in GErsquos Lagos office, covering Gas Power Systems (GPS) in SSA. ldquoAs clicheacute as it sounds, I have always wanted to work at GE. I was strongly influenced by the legacy of the founder, Thomas Edison and I suppose itrsquos also because I wanted to be an inventor when I was younger. I think I was influenced by several episodes of Dexterrsquos Laboratory, rdquo said Komolafe because Dexterrsquos Laboratory is a comic science fiction animated television series about a boy inventor. Influenced by his parents who had studied abroad, Komolafe believed in the benefits of being exposed to different cultures and therefore studied for his bachelorrsquos degree in engineering at the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom and a masterrsquos degree in power systems engineering at the University College London. I believe that studying abroad definitely broadens your horizons and thatrsquos also why I appreciate the opportunities GE provides to further my education with teams in different countries. rdquo For two years, Komolafe was part of GErsquos CLP, which involves two years of intense learning in different regions. ldquoI was fortunate to have been on a leadership development programme. My rotations included six-month assignments in Dubai and New York, and a 12-month assignment in France. During this time, I made very good connections with people across the globe and they are always willing to help, so even though yoursquore based in Nigeria, you have access to a network of people all around the world. rdquo Top Image: Daniel Komolafe at the GE Commercial Leadership Programme Summit in 2014. Image above: Daniel at his desk at the GE Lagos office. Credit: Courtesy GE As a commercial manager, Komolafe does a little bit of everything. He prepares proposals and contracts for customers, ensuring that the information being disseminated is accurate and free of risk and his engineering background helps him cope with the technical challenges of the job. ldquoItrsquos an interesting job. I get to learn a lot of different things. Irsquove become more of a jack of all trades. rdquo A day in Komolafersquos life starts at about 6.30am with some light exercise before getting ready for work. His days are unpredictable and could involve impromptu meetings, conference calls and such. Sometimes, contract negotiations keep him at work until midnight, but hersquos happy to do whatrsquos needed to close the deal. Komolafe tries to balance life and work, and when he does finish work at 5pm, he usually goes for a run across the famous Ikoyi Bridge in Lagos four times a week. He then prepares his dinner and does a little reading before the day comes to an end. He added that ldquoextra-curricular activitiesrdquo happen on the weekend. ldquoSome days, we do have to deal with highly complex challenges and the key for me is always to remain calm and take proactive steps to solve problems I encounter. Recently, I had the challenge of dealing with a customer who wanted a technical feature that had been discontinued and was no longer supported on a particular piece of equipment. It took quite some doing as I had to pitch to very senior people and experts in the company to add that technical feature and Irsquom glad we eventually accomplished what the customer wanted because we would have lost a multi-million-dollar contract if we didnrsquot accommodate the request. rdquo Komolafe has learned more about his job through hands-on experience. ldquoMost of the knowledge and competency comes from developing an attitude of curiosity and learning from those around you. This is a continuous learning process. Some days, I have to reach out to people outside of Africa to get support. GE is a big company with very smart and experienced people. Being able to reach out and get the support you need is incredibly helpful. rdquo ldquoI think thatrsquos one of the major reasons people are clamouring to be hired by GE, because the company supports your professional and personal development. The company pays for your training and your assignments abroad, and that shows how committed they are to employee development. rdquo When asked about advice he would like to give young people, he said: ldquoYou need to follow your passion. If you do something you really like, it makes the tough days a little easier. Find opportunities where you can practice the skills yoursquod like to acquire and put yourself out there. Take proactive steps to get the knowledge you need and identify the job you want. I think curiosity is very important and it has been my key to success. rdquo GE Transport and Transnet, South African-based freight logistics chain have entered a digital partnership to seamlessly connect shippers and transport operators in streamlining pricing and capacity on the network, shipment planning, fuel costs savings and delivering goods to the market more effectively. GE Global Chairman and CEO, Jeff Immelt said: ldquoThe digital partnership wersquore embarking on with Transnet will not only improve Africarsquos transport sector, but unlock enormous opportunities for the supply chain fuelling Africarsquos economy. rdquo Siyabonga Gama, Transnetrsquos Group Chief Executive said: ldquoDisruptive innovation has become the new buzzword for good reason. Innovation creates new markets and fundamentally changes the way we live and work. The partnership with GE Transport is helping us to create a new industry and develop new skills that have the potential to transform the world as we know it. rdquo As a global digital industrial leader and supplier of equipment, services and solutions to the rail, mining, marine, power and drilling industries, GE Transport will assist Transnet to deliver goods and services with greater speed and efficiency through the provision of essential data required through Predix ndash GErsquos cloud-based operating system for the Industrial Internet of Things. The timing of this initiative falls in line with the robust growth taking place across Africa. Since 1995, Africarsquos trade has nearly doubled, placing immense logistical pressure on existing transport infrastructure. As it stands, managing the various transport routes and developing new infrastructure is laborious. GErsquos innovative solution will bring simplicity to payment processes, goods management, customs inspections and reduce the burden of a paper-based environment. GE is encouraging development across the sectors of aviation, healthcare, transport and power as sectors that are increasingly being inhabited by software companies, technology companies and industrial companies. ldquoThis partnership is GErsquos opportunity to take the new technology that we will develop in South Africa and introduce it to the rest of Africa, rdquo said Immelt. Digitalisation in Africa is essential to driving growth on the continent. It plays a significant role in stimulating inter-Africa trade. This isnrsquot the first time GE and Transnet have worked together. The two entities have partnered since 2009 to manufacture and deliver more than 230 Evolution Series diesel electric locomotives, including the ldquomost Africanrdquo locomotive, which featured 55 locally produced content. ldquoWe have a rich history of partnership with Transnet, and are excited to continue working with them to unlock game-changing potential for the local supply chain that is at the heart of Africarsquos global economy, rdquo said Immelt. Top image: Transnet CEO Siyabonga Gama (left) and GE Global CEO Jeff Immelt in Johannesburg, South Africa. Photo: Courtesy GE Ludovic Avot and Yannick Le Berre are big video game fans with Avotrsquos favorite being ldquoFallout 4, which guides players through post-apocalyptic Bostonrdquo. The game is bleak but immersive, and playing it gave the GE Healthcare designer an idea. What if doctors could use video game technology to step inside the human body mdash like the heroes of the sci-fi movie ldquoThe Fantastic Voyagerdquo mdash to inspect organs and tissues and search for disease ldquoWe were inspired by the photo-realistic rendering techniques of the high-quality games, rdquo Avot says. Le Berre, an engineer in medical imaging, wanted to create a way for doctors to walk through the human body using virtual reality. After a few simple but promising prototypes, he decided, with Ludovic, to move things further. Working at GE Healthcarersquos Global Center of Excellence in Medical Imaging Software in Buc, France, the pair spent a hack week mdash time where GE designers can work on a project outside of their current work mdash with VR design tools and other gaming software. They used detailed 3D information from CT and MRI body scans to build a virtual experience complete with color, texture, light and other features. Doctors can use it to observe the glistening pleura of the lungs or ashen pink matter of the brain. They can also ldquoenterrdquo a specific part of the body and closely examine it for things like polyps, tumors and lesions. Le Berre explained that they used a tracking system capable of following movements so accurately, it doesnrsquot make users dizzy, like some other VR environments. The prototype, which can be used with off-the-shelf VR headsets like the Oculus Riftreg, could be a vital turning point in offering doctors a fresh interpretation of a medical image or to better prepare them for surgery. ldquoImagine walking into a virtual room that is your patientrsquos brain, rdquo says Francois Lenfant, general manager for Global UX Brand amp Design Language at GE Healthcare. ldquoYou can enlarge the area of interest to the point where you can go inside the brain cells. When yoursquore immersed in an image, you can work intuitively and find new perspectives. rdquo Up until now, 3D images have been at the forefront of imaging technology. The center of excellence in Buc is a pioneer in anatomical 3D modeling using images taken with GE scanners. Doctors can use the models to get targeted views of specific organs. They can, for example, focus on coronary artery stenosis and see deeply into the space of the cavity. They can also use 3D printers to make hand-held models of organs. The next step on this journey into the body is virtual reality. VR is becoming common in gaming, but for itrsquos still the early days for industry. But Avot and Le Berre have used ldquoopen innovation and design thinking processes, rdquo to help VR become an important new tool in healthcare and diagnostics. The pair presented their VR prototype during the Journeacutees Francophones de Radiologie conference in Paris last year. They say the feedback from approximately 200 radiologists and surgeons who tested it was ldquoentirely positive. rdquo Next, GE will start testing the VR system with a customer in France this year before expanding to the United States and Asia. The first prototype will be used as a tool to help doctors learn more about anatomy and how to better identify pathologies. Eventually, Avot expects doctors to use the technology not only for diagnostics but also to practice procedures before surgery and to double check results post-surgery. Le Berre and Avot are already thinking about other ways to help doctors see inside the body. ldquoWersquore looking at augmented reality, rdquo Le Berre says. ldquoThe idea is to overlay 3D and technical information into the physical world that yoursquore seeing. This technology could eventually be used to guide a doctor during surgery so that he or she can see the tool in the body of the patient in real time. rdquo GE engineers are also working with artificial intelligence. The idea is that one day machines may be able to recognize cancer on their own. But for now, human judgment is still the key ingredient. To that end, Le Berre and Avot have tried to make their prototype feel as much like a video game as possible. ldquoWe would like to use the multiplayer capabilities to allow multiple users to review the same case, rdquo Avot says. ldquoItrsquos a video game that all doctors will want to play. rdquo Top image and above: ldquoImagine walking into a virtual room that is your patientrsquos brain, rdquo says Francois Lenfant, general manager for Global UX Brand amp Design Language at GE Healthcare. Images credit: GE Healthcare

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